Thursday, 11 February 2016

Li-Fi Technology


Li-Fi is  a wireless communication technology, Light Fidelity is in short form, high speed and fully networked wireless com. The term named by Harald Hass and it is visible light communication influenced by RF communication (Wi-Fi or cellular network )
                It is developed for data broadcasting and it is measured to be about 100 times faster than recent technology, reaching speed of 224 gigabits per second. Part of optical wireless communication (OWC) technology proposed to the RF bandwidth limit.

                This OWC technology uses light from LEDs as a medium to deliver networked, mobile, high-speed communication similar to wi-fi. This optical communication is visible to human eye and light waves cannot penetrate the walls, so in open area it will reach to communicate – if any obstacles light medium is lost. It is more secure like wifi from third party hackers.

                Lifi is a modern communication technology, has the advantage in aircraft, hospitals, nuclear plants without causing electromagnetic interference. Both wi-fi and li-fi transmit data over the electromagnetic spectrum, whereas wi-fi uses radio waves, li-fi uses visible light. Wi-fi have a limitation to transfer the data in speed limit but in li-fi don’t have such limit, it transmits in GBs.
In future li-fi replaces the wi-fi technology for mobile communication especially for internet and sharing purpose, Instead of wifi hotspot this tech beyond the limitations. Wifi is in limited range and it stuck with limited users and speed of data transfer, not in case of lifi.


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